0 How to Lose Weight in 3 Weeks and Keep it Off For Good


Are you looking for the best way how to lose weight in 3 weeks? You probably have your reasons for this extremely difficult target, but if you really want it there are ways you can make it happen.
You must realize that how to lose weight in 3 weeks is not an easy task. You will have to work really hard at it and you cannot afford to slacken the pace even slightly. Therefore, the first thing to do is to make a weight loss plan. You have to set very clear targets of exactly how much you wish to shed in the coming three weeks. Weigh yourself and write the result down so that there is no confusion.
You will be able to achieve this weight loss only by a combination of strenuous exercise and Spartan food habits because you have to tackle both the aspects of weight gain.
Be very clear about the exercises you are going to do so that you don't waste any time. It would be best if you got the help of a trainer for this task because you could certainly do with all the assistance you can get. You need a combination of cardio and weight training. The cardio will burn fat all over your body whereas the resistance training will build and tone your muscles.
Building muscles has a dual benefit for you. On the one hand it will streamline your body shape, making you look very fit and toned. On the other hand, a body with a higher proportion of muscle will have an increased metabolic rate and this causes more calories to be burnt for the exact same level of activity. Don't worry that you will look muscular and bulky because it takes a good deal of effort to get that way and it certainly is not possible in the three weeks that you have set aside for this task.
Be extremely strict with yourself regarding your food habits. You cannot afford to have any deviation from your diet plan, no matter what the occasion. Pile your plate with fruits and vegetables, preferably uncooked, so that your stomach gets filled fast. Eat lots of white protein because this will help build muscle. Never make the mistake of eliminating carbohydrates from your diet else you will not have any energy required to do the exercises.
If you follow these tips on how to lose weight in 3 weeks you will certainly be successful.
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